Four Ways to Reincarnate Your Dead Creative Side

We all have that time where we have no idea what to write, draw or create. Where one day our creativity just decides to stop running and leave us with a lot of loose bits in which we can't tie together. Well here are my ways to overcome that and slowly get your gears turning!

Listen to Music
I find music really helpful especially if your sitting in front of a blank Word document on your laptop. I have specified playlists that contain a specific mood. It kind of sets the tone that I want to write in. It gets my mind in this very emotional state where my creativity can feed on that.

Scroll through Social Media (aka Tumblr)
I find that if you go through your feed, you can find some pretty inspiring stuff. Maybe that one picture made you want to draw a vase of roses, or that one tweet makes you want to write a story based off of it. All of these are creative saplings that you can use to create works.

Sit on your toilet for a while (or you can twiddle your thumbs)
It's shown that we have better ideas when we are bored. It's not exactly when we're bored, just when we're in a "relaxed state of mind". That's why you get great epiphanies in the shower, on the toilet, or in bed. You aren't doing anything that occupy your mind which lets it wander. You could always keep pen and paper close to you in the bathroom.

Read and Eat 
Nothing makes your creativity run like a good book and tasty food! Who knows what your OTP (One True Pairing) is up to in the next installment of your favorite series? Make a fanfiction out of it and create some fan art.

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