
So I'm deciding to do these every month: a list of favorites, wants and a playlist. I think that this would be a good way to recap a month of what I've been doing. 
Playlist (songs are linked to youtube): 

Wish list:
1. Chubby Stick: I've heard that a lot of people love the Clinique's Chubby Stick and I really want to try them out. The pigment doesn't seem very strong, which I love about it, and it seems like it's very smooth and easy to put on. 
2. Etude House Pop Stick (photograph above): Similar to the chubby stick, they come in lovely colors and it looks like you could be coloring in your lips! 
3. Kitty tights: I've been seeing these everywhere and I really want a pair! They're really adorable and you could wear them under a pair of shorts or a cute skirt or dress. I just need to find a pair of shoes to go with them. 
4. Collar Necklaces:  I think that they'd go so well with a sweater. If you don't have a collared shirt underneath but wear a cool statement collar necklace. You could also wear one with a collared shirt for a cute pop. 


1. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight  by Jennifer E. Smith: (Reveiw here)
2. Sketch by Piccadillyinc: I'm not sure how much it costs (back cover says 20 bucks), but my friend got it from Barnes and Noble for possibly a much cheaper price. It's a sketch book, with the word: SKETCH written on the front in silver. It contains plain paper and I think it's a really cute.

3. Blue & White Nautical Infinity Scarf: It's really pretty blue and white patterned infinity scarf I got from New York. I know I got it near a Metro station, and it was only 5 bucks. It's extremely soft and goes well with pretty anything. 

4. Flower Headband: I bought it from Claire's for about nine bucks. It's this really pretty daisy one with a delicate band. 
5. EOS: I'm currently using the purple one (I forgot what flavor >.<) and I have to admit it's really nice. It has a nice application, but it goes away really fast. It also kind of dries my lips after two-or-so hours. 


So that's it.Thanks for reading! 

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