5 Ways (and more) to Organize your Desk


Lately, I've been on an organizing-spree to clean up my work-space. It's a strange thing, like a itch where I get annoyed when something is out of place. Even if my desk is still qualified as pretty messy, it's a kind of organized-messy that I can navigate through and work in.

Unused Mugs 

If you have a bunch of unused mugs (I have a whole cabinet in my kitchen) you can use them to put your pens or pencils in them. I just used a bunch of old ones I dug up from the back and plopped some miscellaneous stuff in them.
You could put:

  • Gel pens/ colored pens
  • Expo Markers
  • Colored/mechanical/wood pencils
  • Sharpies/Permanent markers
  • Markers, Scissors, Highlighters
For more personalization, you could buy fancy mugs or flowerpots from Target or Walmart for more colors. You could also use sharpies to decorate them (I tried, but my Sharpie marks didn't last), or to one of those paint-your-own studios. 

Post-it Notes

I've been using these a lot lately. I use them for everything: shopping lists, wish lists, homework, to-do lists. My favorite thing has also been the post-it note tabs. I use them to bookmark important things in the textbook while I'm studying and also to mark a place in a book where I liked the wording or a notable quote. 
I have them on the walls, on my computer, and random places around my house. I doodle and write down ideas on them. They're just... useful. 

Index Card Holders

I bought mine from Target for about three bucks. It holds a lot of index cards, comes with separate tabs and label stickers. 
The only thing about Yoobi's index card dividers is that they aren't stuck to the case. So they can move around, be altered (which isn't exactly a bad thing), but they can also fall out. The button doesn't seem like it will hold to me, even though it hasn't failed me yet, but I'm constantly scared that my cards will fall out. 
But this also gives me less stress! I have all of my index cards in one place, and I have two classes that require me to do flash cards for vocabulary words. I have five dividers and I separated them to: English, Biology, Personal Index Cards, Index Cards I Need To Finnish for Homework, and Extras. 


Obviously over the past few years, I have underestimated the power of shoe boxes. Mine were just tossed to the floor of my closet and left neglected. 
I took two shoe boxes, cleaned them out and filled one with all my art supplies and stationary and the other one with miscellaneous books, then I shoved them in my shelves. It makes me feel better because it looks neat and compacted. 
(Reduced prices because my parents are such great deal hunters.) 
(These shoe boxes are not mine.)


I put all my important dates on it. Birthdays, appointments, and long term projects are all smashed on the calendar in different Sharpie colors. Whenever I wonder about the date, I just spin in my chair and stare at the calendar.

Other Stuff:
Pencil Case: All the smaller things, such as pens, highlighters, glue sticks that I need for school are in there.
Phone: I don't have an exactly up-to-date phone, but you can put updates, alarms and notifications on your smartphone.
Planner: Like a calendar, but you have more space per day. I just put all my homework in it.
Weird basket thing my mother bought (most likely from Daiso): I put my umbrella, glasses and few items of jewelry in there. Whatever miscellaneous things that don't exactly fit in my office, but I would probably need just for convenience sake (like hair ties) are just put there. 

I have started to editing my photos! How do you like it?

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