I first got this lipstick a few weeks ago, and I wanted to some sort of 'first impression', but after a few days of laziness, I gave up. But now, I'm here with a review of the Elf Lipstick.
This product is actually the first one that I have used from Elf. I had originally bought it along with a package of oil blotting sheets at Target. The color I own is in Pink Umbrellas. Price: 2 dollars Size: 2.8 grams
In this light, it looks slightly orange, but it's actually a really delicate pink.
It's not an extremely harsh color, but it's actually a few shades lighter than my actual skin tone. When I wear it, it doesn't bring a lot of color in my face, but washes it out a bit.
But it does give your lips a lot of moisture
When I put it on, it doesn't bring me a lot of pigment, and it usually lasts up to two-three hours.
With Lipstick
Without Lipstick
The lipstick itself has a slightly minty smell, and it has a really nice application. But I tend to use the sides of the stick instead of the top, so sometimes the lipstick will get onto the edges of the lipstick tube.
It does twist up, and you have to be careful with the clear lid in case you accidentally stick it onto the actual lipstick or get it stained.
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