This is the grand finale of The Heroes of Olympus series, which has been going on for roughly 4-5 years now. This book also may possibly the last time we get to read about Percy Jackson and his quests, because after this would be Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard which will be on Norse Mythology.
For some reason, this book took me longer than I anticipated. I expected myself to finish this book within the first two days, but I received it on Thursday and I didn't complete it until Saturday night. Even though, it was perfectly written, and (thank goodness) gave all of our favorite characters a very happy ending (depending on how you see it).
It starts differently than most of the other books: smack dab in the middle of their quest. Then it goes on as usual, different skirmishes that all lead up to the big face-off in which Percy does something so ridiculously stupid due to either his naivety or child-like nature.
The large fight in the end gave me so many feels. There is just something about reading your favorite character fight for possibly the last time, with a bunch of other characters that you love so so so so so much. It just hits right there in your chest.
There are some romantic action going on the story and a bunch of cuteness too (the ending is so great). And it's so filled with feels it's going to make you explode.
It's romantic. It's funny. It's action packed. It's everything I would've wanted in a finale.
Jason has glasses. Just look closely at the cover.
(Captain speaking) The Caleo ship has successfully sailed.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.